You can use the CENPA loudspeakers to page someone or to announce an event (such as the beginning of a talk or meeting). To use the loudspeakers, pick up any CENPA phone, press the page button, wait a second, speak into the handset and then hang up. Please speak slowly to make it easier for people to understand you. The loudspeakers can be hard to hear in some parts of the lab.
If you are requesting that someone call you back, you can specify the intercom number of your line, which should be written on a little sticker near the phone number. (Example: IC #32 is intercom 32). Then page the person and specify your intercom number; for example, you might say, "Bill Nye, intercom 32, please. Bill Nye, intercom 32." It is polite to say the name and intercom number twice as it can be hard to hear a page in some areas.